Wednesday, 16 April 2008

the rebirth of cool: the return of THE LEISURE SUITE

greetings humanoids.
it is i, Mista Vee, returning once more to the blogosphere.

after the previous and much-loved incarnation of my blog was unceremoniously axed from existence by Blogsome, i remembered i had started a backup blog here in 2006 in anticipation of exactly these events. the only problem is, while Blogsome did do me a favour and send me my entire blog + archives, it's all in one Notepad file in some form of code i have no way of comprehending. so until i can find someone to help me copy and paste my archives onto here, this is a fresh start.
a clean break.
a swift...chop?

in any case, my wee lil blog actually had what some might call "a following", albeit a small one. i had readers from all over the globe commenting on the quality of the music being represented, and i felt compelled to continue to deliver in that regard. it makes the axing of my blog suck just a little bit more knowing that those people will now have to troll through the Internet to even find this freshly-hatched v2.0 of The Leisure Suite (it's not even showing up in Google searches at the moment, but hopefully once the traffic gets back to normal people will be able to find it).

anyway, this is the start of much more juicy blogging to come.

"future developments should prove...VERY interesting", -Megatron (from Beast Wars).


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